NuFace Trinity Pro vs Trinity vs Mini (Facial Toning for Beautiful Skin)

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If you’re looking to revitalize your face and want to restore your natural, youthful appearance, then you may want to consider a facial toning device like those offered by Nuface. We’re comparing Nuface Trinity Pro vs Trinity vs Mini to show you which is best. These devices release a current deep beneath the surface to restore collagen and elastin, the exact proteins that make you look young and beautiful.

Our Nuface Trinity vs Pro vs Mini review will compare these three devices based on power, how long they take to work, attachments, and more.

Read on to find out which Nuface facial toning device is right for you.

Nuface Trinity Nuface Trinity Pro Nuface Trinity Mini

What is a Facial Toning Device?

Before we go forward, we realize that facial toning devices aren’t that common and you might be wondering what it is. You probably notice how this device looks handheld and has two silver balls at the top, but we’d be surprised if you didn’t have other questions.

No matter which NuFace Trinity device we’re talking about, all of the functions follow the same basic principles.

All these devices generate a small current that passes through the skin and down into your facial muscles. This current stimulates the muscles and skin cells, which makes them create more elastin and collagen. You’ll find that this makes your skin plumper and more youthful.

As long as you follow the instructions and consistently use the toning device, then you should see results fairly quickly.


As we mentioned above, these devices send a current through your skin and down into the muscles to produce protein production. More power means a stronger current and stronger response, which should give you even more protein production for more youthful skin.

That being said, none of these devices are incredibly powerful. You don’t want to shock yourself. You just want to have a reasonable amount of power that stimulates your muscles and skin without being painful. Two of these devices are exactly the same while one stands above the rest.

If we’re talking Nuface Trinity vs Mini, then they are tied. Both of these offer 335 microamps of power. This is definitely enough to produce a response and to get your muscles stimulated.

Nuface Pro Trinity is the strongest at 400 microamps. This ensures your facial muscles are even more stimulated, which will help your skin look even better.

All three are good. While Pro is the best, the other two are amazing as well.

Check Price: Nuface Trinity Pro – >

NuFace Trinity Pro vs Trinity vs Mini: Suggested Use

You might be wondering how you use the toning devices and how long you should use them. Each model is roughly the same. We suggest reading the user manual just in case, but these instructions should apply to all Nuface toning models.

First, you need to apply the Nuface gel activator. There are two that you can purchase:

  • Nuface Hydrating Leave-On Gel Primer
  • Nuface 24K Gold Gel Primer

We cover these more in depth in our Nuface gel review.

You need to apply these before using the device. If you don’t, then there are two things that may happen. First of all, the device won’t work as well because the activator helps guide the current. Secondly, you might feel small zaps and shocks if you don’t have the activator applied, so we highly suggest using the gel appropriately.

Once that’s applied, you simply need to run the toning device over your face and neck for about 5 minutes a day. It’s recommended that you use it 5 days a week for the first 60 days. You can then reduce it to 2-3 days a week.

That’s all it takes for more naturally beautiful skin.

Check Price: Nuface Trinity Mini – >

NuFace Trinity Mini vs Trinity vs Pro: Battery Life

These are all wireless devices that can be charged with the Nuface charging base. The Pro version comes with this automatically, but you will usually need to purchase it separately if you get the Mini.

Surprisingly enough, the battery life is about the same for all three models. They each last about 12 hours in total. Since you’re only using them for a short amount of time during each session, you should have no problem getting weeks of use before having to charge them again.

There is a difference in charging time. Despite being smaller, the Mini requires the longest charging time at 16 hours. The Pro and Trinity both need only 12 hours of charging time.

While you can’t use the device as it’s charging, you can remove it from the base with only a partial charge. We don’t entirely recommend this, but you can do a quick session and then place it back on the charging base to finish up.

Check Price: Nuface Trinity – >

NuFace Trinity Pro vs Mini vs Trinity: Attachments

This is one of the biggest differences between these devices. Attachments make the device more versatile and allow you to do more and cover extra areas of your face.

Both the Pro and Trinity version are compatible with two attachments. The Wrinkle Reducer Attachment works to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Simply attach this to the device, use it for several minutes a day, and your wrinkles should fade very quickly.

Next up is the Effective Lip and Eye Attachment, or Nuface ELE. This looks like two prongs and it effectively moves around your lips and eyes for tighter skin. We love this attachment, and we’re not the only ones. Many people choose either the Pro or Trinity version for this very attachment.

What about Mini? Unfortunately it isn’t compatible with attachments. You can tighten your neck and chin areas of course, but you’ll have a harder time on your eyes, lips, and wrinkles.

Unless you really need a portable toning device, we recommend either the Pro or regular Trinity. Mini is great though if you want a smaller device to carry during your travels.

Check Price: Nuface Trinity Pro – >

What is the Difference Between Nuface Trinity Pro, Trinity, and Mini?

At first glance, all three look nearly identical. Mini is smaller, but only by about an inch. There are lots of small differences that you need to know about.

First up is power. Both Trinity and Mini are the same at 335 microamps, but Pro outdoes them at 400 microamps. There’s also the battery. All of them last about 12 hours, but Trinity and Pro need 12 hours to charge while Mini needs 16 hours.

Perhaps the biggest difference is the attachments. Pro and Trinity are both compatible with the Effective Lip and Eye Attachment and Wrinkle Reducer Attachment while Mini isn’t compatible with either.

Nuface Trinity Nuface Trinity Pro Nuface Trinity Mini

Final Thoughts

So, which device is best? We highly recommend Nuface Trinity Pro as the best of the three. It’s the strongest, produces the best muscle response, works with both attachments, and is the best there is.

We would then say it’s a tie between Trinity and Mini. Trinity does work with both attachments, but Mini is smaller and easier to carry. They both offer the same amount of power, so it’s a matter of attachments or portability.

So, which one is right for you? Be sure to let us know.

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